Friday, September 21, 2012

student success statement

Student Success Statement
“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.
-Theodore Hesburgh

My reflection is that don’t make decisions because their easy, cheap, or popular make them because your heart and feelings toward something make you choose the correct thing in your life and any decision you make.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Five Keys to Success

Five Keys to Success Are:

1.                       Choose the right

2.                       Get away from the bad

3.                       Get a job

4.                       Follow your goals

5.                       Listen to others rights

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”

                                                                                      -Abraham Lincoln                  I am not always right, but I always try. I will stay with whom-ever leads me to the right, stay with him while his doing right, but separate when he chooses to do wrong.

Successful Students

    Successful Students

                                      Part 1

Successful students exhibit a combination of successful students and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful students

1.    Successful students are responsible and active. Successful students get involved in their studies, accept responsibility for their own education, and are active participates in it!

Responsibility means control. It’s the difference between leading and being led. Your own efforts control your grade, you earn the glory or deserve the blame, and you made the choice. Active classroom participation improves the grades without increasing study time. You can sit there, act bored, daydream, or sleep. Or, you can actively listen, think, question and take notes like someone in charge of their learning experience. Either option costs one class period.

                                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Student Success Statement

                              Student Success Statement

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it. Wrong is         wrong, even if everyone is for it”

                                                                   -William Penn
The quote is saying that there are always people trying to peer pressure you against doing the right thing. So what it means is no matter what you do what you know is right for everyone and not listen to what other people have to say

50 Habits of Successful People

50 Habits of Successful People

     (Habits 44-47)

44. They don’t rationalize failure. While many are talking about their age, their sore back, their lack of time, their poor genetics, their “bad luck,” their nasty loss and their lack of opportunities (all good recovers to fail), they are finding a way to succeed despite all their challenges.

45. They have an off switch. They know how to relax, enjoy what they have in their life and to have fun.

46. Their career is not their identity, it’s their job. It’s not who they are, what they do.

47. They are more interested in effective than they are in easy. While the majority look for the quickest, easiest way (the shortcut), they look for the course of action which will produce the best results over the long term.

                             Choose The Right!! :]

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Student Success Statement

                                Student Success


My opinion about this story was that it was really pretty . It shows that you should always choose the right always and forever. Because that is doing something good .




50 Habits of Successful People

                                         Habits 36-43

36. They have a big engine. They work hard and they are not lazy.

37. They are redolent. When most would throw in the towel, they’re just warming up.

38. They are open to, and more likely to act upon, feedback.

39. They don’t hang out with toxic people.

40. They don’t invest time or emotional energy into things they have to control of.

41. They are happy to swim against the title to do what most won’t. They are not people pleasures and they don’t need constant approval.

42. They are more comfortable with their own company than most.

43. They set higher standards for themselves (a choice we can all make), which in turn produces greater commitment, more momentum, a better work, ethic and of course, better  results.                                                                                              

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Student Success Statement

        Student Success Statement

  “It’s not living that matters, but living rightly”


It’s your decision your life, just know that choosing the right can be a better conscious than living your life as a mistake.  

50 Habits of Successful People

                       50 habits of Successful People

                                (Habits 31-35)

31. They are secure. They do not derive their sense of worth of self from what they own, who they know they live or what they look like.

32. They are generous and kind. They take pleasure in helping others achieve.

33. They are humble and they are happy to admit mistakes and to apologize. They are confident in their ability, but not arrogant. They are happy to learn from others. They are happy to make others look good rather than seek their own personal glory.

34. They are adaptable and embrace change, while the majorities are creatures of comfort and habit. They are comfortable with, and embrace, the new and the unfamiliar.

35. They keep themselves in shape physically, not to be mistaken with training for the Olympics or being obsessed with their body. They understand   the importance of being physically well. They are not all about looks; they are more concerned with function and health. Their body is not who they are It’s where they live.




Monday, September 10, 2012

        Student Success Statement

       “You are accountable for your choices”

                        Thomas S. Monson.

We people must make our own choices if we want what’s right. We have to take our own consequences of whatever choice we make.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

Otto Graham, Jr.

    “Ask yourself if it’s right or wrong to act accordingly.”

It is right to act accordingly because you will be rewarded with a bright future ahead of you then live in sorrow.

50 Habits of Successful People

                     50 Habits of Successful People

                                     Habits 11-20

 11. They align themselves with like- minded people. They understand the importance of being part of a team. They create win-win relationships.

12. They are ambition; they want amazing- and why shouldn’t they.” They consciously choose to live their life rather than spending it on autopilot.

13. They have clarity and certainty about what they want (and don’t want) for their life. They actually visualize and plan their best reality while others are merely spectators of life.

 14. They innovate rather than imitate.

 15. They don’t procrastinate and they don’t spend their life waiting for the right time”.

17. They are glass half full people – while still being practical and down to earth. They have an ability to find the good.

18. They consistently do what they need to do, irrespective of how they are feeling on a given day. They don’t spend their life stopping and starting.

19. They take calculated risks – financial, emotional, professional, and psychological.

20. They deal with problems and challenges quickly and effectively; they don’t put their head in the sand. They face their challenges and use them improve themselves. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

       50 Habits of Successful People

                           (HABITS 1-10)


1.   They look for and find opportunities where others see nothing.

2.   They find a lesson while others only see a problem.

3.   They are solution focused.

4.   They consciously and methodically create their own success, while others hope success with find them.

5.   They are fearful like everyone else, but they are not controlled or limited by fear.

6.   They ask the right questions – the ones that put them in a productive, creative, positive, mid nest and emotional state.

7.   They rarely complain (waste of energy). All complaining does is put the complainer in a negative and unproductive state.

8.   They don’t blame (what’s the point”). They take complete responsibility for their actions and outcomes (or lack thereof).

9.   While they are not necessarily more talented than the majority, they always find a way to maximize their potential. They get more out of themselves. They use what they have more effectively.

10.                     They are busy, productive and proactive. While most are laying on the couch, planning, over-thinking, sitting on their hands and generally going around in circles, they are out there getting the job done.  


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Student success statement
“Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”
-Chick Moorman
In my opinion this quote means that we should always be honest no matter what to people.

warm up

CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!