Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Summary/ Reflection On A Little Girl Locked in Bathroom

 Summary: Today the story was about a fourth-grade elementary girl who was locked up in a restroom by her grandparents for six years. The grandparents said that they had her locked in their because she wasn’t a normal girl. They would only let her go out to school and when she would get back from school they would lock her up in the restroom again. Now the police found out and they discovered that she was only allowed to go outside when relatives would come and she is in good condition and now the grandparents are doing 10 years in prison.
Reflection: This story to me is just very sad because knowing that a little girl just a little girl was locked inside a restroom every single day is just horrible it even makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. There was no reason for the grandparents to treat her in such an evil way and plus she is just a small child that is having no heart what they did to her. They deserve to be in prison locked up how she was for the rest of their lives. Also, it was their own grandchild how could they have done this to her. But just know that when you choose to do something mean and hurtful eventually it will come back to you and hit you even harder. We should never treat a child like that because they are just innocent children and not to evil deeds because that just brings hate and evilness to your heart. I hope these people learned their lesson and never do such a thing like that again we should love and care for eachother not mistreat one another.

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